Tuesday 6 November 2007

The Before and After

This weekend while Girle designed and sewed a quilt, Babydoll was not gonna miss out on all the fun. Amid the fabric picking frenzy and the pressing/cutting assembly line, she chose to do a doll quilt and let me tell you, did she impress me!

Below you can see where she used practical measures when determining how many squares she needed for her doll quilt. Seriously, people! I was floored. Ain’t she the smartest?

When was the last time you covered yourself in pieces to determine the number of squares your quilt needed?

Guess what? It worked.


Birdydownunder said...

well done Babydoll ~ Quilter ~ is that a bottlecap snow white I see on your dress.

Megan Cobb said...

That's sew adorable!