Thursday 24 July 2008

Sun + Long Grass = Hay

Last summer the rain chased away all prospects of haymaking.

This year, July nearly gone, the sun shone and the haymaking ensues in our neighboring fields.

Farmer Pat is happy.

Why, of course! Have you not seen his helpers? They are the cutest tractor watchdogs you'll ever lay your eyes on.

Make hay, make hay, hey, make that hay!

Roll on, your silly self!

Hope your internal sun is shining, and remember to make hay!


Toni said...

what fun pictures Sherry! thanks for sharing!

Anna K. said...

Those ARE the cutest tractor watchdogs I've ever seen! Looks like a fun day...

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Just wanted to let you know I got your "sweet" gift in the post Saturday. Thanks!!